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The Neville Goddard Collection: Unlocking the Power of Imagination for Manifestation

The Neville Goddard Collection is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to understand and harness the power of their imagination for manifestation. With over 500 thought-provoking and transformative works, this collection provides a comprehensive insight into the teachings of Neville Goddard, a prominent figure in the New Thought movement.

Neville Goddard was a renowned mystic, lecturer, and author who explored the principles of manifestation and the creative power of the human mind. His teachings centered around the concept that imagination, when properly utilized, has the ability to shape our reality and bring about desired changes in our lives.

Within this vast collection, readers will discover an array of essays, lectures, and books that delve deep into the nuances of Goddard’s philosophy. Each piece offers profound insights and practical techniques, guiding individuals toward a greater understanding of their innate creative abilities.

The writings within the Neville Goddard Collection cover various topics such as the law of assumption, conscious manifestation, mental imagery, and the importance of living in the end result. By immersing oneself in these transformative texts, readers can expand their consciousness and develop a deeper connection with their imagination as a powerful tool for manifestation.

Goddard’s teachings emphasize the importance of assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled, as he believed that the subconscious mind responds to the emotions and images impressed upon it. Through vivid storytelling and relatable examples, Goddard illustrates how individuals can align their thoughts, emotions, and beliefs with their desired outcomes to create the life they envision.

Whether you are new to Neville Goddard’s teachings or a seasoned practitioner, the Neville Goddard Collection offers a comprehensive and enlightening journey into the world of conscious creation. With over 500 works to explore, readers can delve into the depths of their imagination, tap into their inherent creative power, and unlock the secrets to manifesting their dreams and desires.

In summary, the Neville Goddard Collection is a treasure trove of wisdom and inspiration, containing over 500 transformative works that delve into the power of imagination for manifestation. Through these profound teachings, readers can awaken their creative potential, reshape their reality, and embark on a fulfilling journey of personal transformation.

Resurrection by Neville Goddard: Unveiling the Profound Power of Transformation

Resurrection by Neville Goddard: Unveiling the Profound Power of Transformation

Resurrection, a concept deeply embedded in religious and spiritual discourse, holds a place of profound significance across various belief systems. Among the influential thinkers who shed light on this timeless subject is Neville Goddard, a renowned spiritual teacher and philosopher. In this exploration, we delve into the captivating teachings of Neville Goddard, unraveling the transformative power of resurrection and its implications for personal growth and spiritual evolution.

1. Understanding Resurrection:

Resurrection, in its essence, signifies a radical rebirth or revival from a state of dormancy, stagnation, or even death. Neville Goddard emphasized that the concept of resurrection extends far beyond its traditional association with physical resurrection alone. Instead, he proposed that it encompasses a broader notion of personal transformation that transcends the limitations of the physical realm.

2. The Power of Consciousness:

Central to Neville Goddard’s teachings is the power of consciousness in shaping our reality. He posited that our thoughts, beliefs, and imaginations directly influence our experiences, effectively molding our external circumstances. According to Goddard, the resurrection begins with a fundamental shift in consciousness, where we become aware of our creative potential and assume responsibility for our lives.

3. The Seed of Imagination:

Imagination, according to Neville Goddard, acts as the catalyst for resurrection. By actively engaging our imagination, we can plant the seed of a desired reality within our consciousness. Through the cultivation of vivid mental imagery and emotional involvement, we bring this envisioned reality to life. This transformative process allows us to resurrect our dreams, aspirations, and goals.

4. The Crucifixion and Resurrection:

Drawing upon biblical symbolism, Neville Goddard interpreted the crucifixion as a metaphorical representation of the relinquishment of our old, limiting beliefs and self-identities. By crucifying our old self, we create space for resurrection—the emergence of a new, empowered version of ourselves. Goddard emphasized that this process involves a deep internal surrender, allowing for the resurrection of our true potential.

5. Living from the End:

Another pivotal aspect of Neville Goddard’s teachings is the concept of “living from the end.” This approach entails assuming the mental state of already having achieved our desired outcome. By persistently dwelling in the feeling of accomplishment, we align ourselves with the vibrational frequency of our aspirations, accelerating the process of resurrection and manifestation.

6. The Transmutation of Consciousness:

Resurrection, according to Neville Goddard, involves a profound transmutation of consciousness—a shift from a state of lack, doubt, or fear to one of abundance, faith, and confidence. Through conscious awareness and intentional focus, we have the ability to resurrect our lives, allowing our true essence to shine forth and manifest in our external reality.


Neville Goddard’s teachings on resurrection provide a compelling framework for personal transformation and spiritual growth. By embracing the power of consciousness, imagination, and living from the end, we can transcend the limitations of our current circumstances and resurrect our dreams, aspirations, and true potential. As we delve into the profound wisdom of Neville Goddard, we embark on a transformative journey toward self-realization, unveiling the extraordinary power of resurrection within ourselves.

Neville Goddard Success: Manifesting Your Dreams into Reality

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly achieve success while others struggle to make ends meet? The answer may lie in the teachings of Neville Goddard, a prominent figure in the New Thought movement of the 20th century. In this article, we’ll explore the principles of Neville Goddard’s success philosophy and how you can apply them to manifest your dreams into reality.

Who is Neville Goddard?

Neville Goddard (1905-1972) was a spiritual teacher and author who taught the principles of New Thought, a philosophy that emphasizes the power of the mind to create reality. Born in Barbados and raised in New York City, Goddard studied metaphysics and the Bible extensively and taught his principles to thousands of people through his lectures and books.

The Core Principles of Neville Goddard’s Success Philosophy

1. Consciousness creates reality

According to Goddard, the world we experience is a reflection of our consciousness. Our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality, and by changing our consciousness, we can change our lives.

2. Imagination is the key to manifestation

Goddard believed that the imagination is the most powerful tool for manifesting our desires. By vividly imagining our desired outcome, we can impress it upon our subconscious mind and bring it into our reality.

3. The present moment is all that exists

Goddard emphasized the importance of living in the present moment and focusing on the feeling of already having what we desire. By feeling the emotions of success and abundance in the present moment, we can attract more of those experiences into our lives.

4. Faith is essential

Goddard taught that faith, or the unwavering belief in the reality of our desires, is essential for manifestation. Doubt and fear can block our ability to manifest our desires, so cultivating faith is crucial.

5. Persistence is key

Goddard believed that persistence in our imaginal acts and beliefs is necessary for manifestation. Even when our desires seem far away or impossible, we must persist in our belief that they are already ours.

How to Apply Neville Goddard’s Success Philosophy

1. Clarify your desires

The first step in manifesting your dreams is to clarify what you truly desire. Take some time to write down your goals and aspirations, and be specific about what you want to create in your life.

2. Use your imagination

Once you’ve clarified your desires, use your imagination to vividly imagine yourself already having what you want. Visualize the details of your desired outcome, and feel the emotions of success and abundance as if they are already yours.

3. Practice faith and persistence

Cultivate unwavering faith in the reality of your desires, and persist in your imaginal acts and beliefs even when obstacles arise. Trust that your desires are already yours, and take inspired action towards their realization.

4. Live in the present moment

Focus on the present moment and feel the emotions of success and abundance in the here and now. By living in the feeling of already having what you desire, you can attract more of those experiences into your life.


Neville Goddard’s success philosophy teaches us that we have the power to create our reality through the power of our thoughts and imagination. By clarifying our desires, using our imagination to visualize them, and cultivating faith and persistence, we can manifest our dreams into reality. So why not start today? Take action towards your desires, and watch as they come to fruition. Remember, the power is within you.

Unveiling the Life and Teachings of Neville Goddard: A Comprehensive Biography

If you are interested in spirituality and self-improvement, you might have heard of Neville Goddard. He is one of the most influential figures in the New Thought movement and has inspired thousands of people worldwide with his teachings on the power of the mind, imagination, and faith. In this comprehensive biography, we will delve into the life and teachings of Neville Goddard and explore how he became one of the most sought-after spiritual teachers of the 20th century.

Early Life and Education

Neville Goddard was born on February 19, 1905, in St. Michael, Barbados. His family later moved to New York, where Neville grew up. He was a curious child and was always fascinated by the mysteries of life. At the age of 17, Neville moved to New York City to study drama and pursue his passion for acting. He also studied the works of famous mystics, such as William Blake and Emanuel Swedenborg.

Career and Spiritual Awakening

Neville’s acting career was not successful, and he struggled to make ends meet. However, he discovered the power of the mind and imagination, which led to his spiritual awakening. Neville realized that his thoughts and beliefs shaped his reality, and he began to explore the teachings of New Thought and metaphysics. He attended lectures by prominent spiritual leaders of the time, such as Abdullah, a mystic and mentor who had a profound impact on Neville’s life and teachings.

Neville started giving lectures and writing books on the power of the mind, imagination, and faith. He believed that everyone had the power to create their reality through their thoughts and feelings. Neville’s teachings were based on the principles of visualization, affirmations, and the law of assumption. He emphasized the importance of living in the present moment and assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

Teachings and Legacy

Neville Goddard’s teachings were profound and had a significant impact on the lives of many people. He believed that the imagination was the most potent tool we have and that we could use it to manifest our desires. Neville taught that our subconscious mind was the storehouse of all our beliefs and emotions and that we could reprogram it to create the reality we want.

Neville wrote several books, including “The Power of Awareness,” “The Law and The Promise,” and “Feeling is the Secret.” He also gave lectures, which were recorded and transcribed, and are still available today. Neville’s teachings have inspired many people, including Oprah Winfrey, Wayne Dyer, and Joe Dispenza.


Neville Goddard’s life and teachings have left an indelible mark on the world of spirituality and self-improvement. He believed that we are all powerful creators and that we could use our imagination to shape our reality. Neville’s legacy continues to inspire people worldwide, and his teachings are still relevant today. If you are interested in exploring the power of the mind and imagination, Neville Goddard’s teachings are an excellent place to start.

Neville Goddard Net Worth: Exploring the Life and Wealth of the Law of Attraction Teacher

If you’re familiar with the law of attraction, then you might have heard of Neville Goddard, one of the pioneers of this popular concept. But who was Neville Goddard, and how did he achieve his wealth and success? In this article, we’ll explore the life and net worth of this influential teacher and reveal some of the key lessons we can learn from his teachings.

Who Was Neville Goddard?

Neville Goddard was a spiritual teacher and author who lived from 1905 to 1972. He was born in Barbados and spent most of his life in the United States. Goddard’s teachings revolve around the law of assumption, which states that you can achieve your desires by assuming that they have already come true. He believed that thoughts and beliefs have the power to shape our reality, and that we can manifest anything we desire through the power of our imagination.

Throughout his life, Goddard wrote numerous books and gave lectures on the law of assumption, attracting a devoted following of students and admirers. Today, his teachings continue to inspire and influence people around the world.

Neville Goddard’s Net Worth

It’s difficult to determine Neville Goddard’s exact net worth, as he lived in a different time and his financial information was not widely documented. However, it’s safe to say that Goddard was financially successful, thanks in part to his prolific writing and speaking career.

Goddard published more than ten books during his lifetime, many of which are still in print today. These books cover a wide range of topics related to the law of assumption, including how to manifest wealth, health, and happiness. Goddard’s teachings also inspired many of his students to achieve their own success and financial abundance.

Lessons from Neville Goddard’s Teachings

So, what can we learn from Neville Goddard’s teachings when it comes to wealth and success? Here are some key takeaways:

1. Your thoughts and beliefs create your reality. According to Goddard, your thoughts and beliefs have the power to shape your reality. If you believe that you are destined for financial abundance, then you will attract that abundance into your life. On the other hand, if you believe that you are destined for poverty or struggle, then that is what you will attract.

2. Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled. One of Goddard’s most famous teachings is the concept of assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled. This means that you should imagine yourself already in possession of the thing or experience you desire, and feel the emotions that come with it. By doing so, you create a vibrational match with your desire and attract it into your life.

3. Persistence is key. Goddard emphasized the importance of persistence when it comes to manifesting your desires. Even if you don’t see immediate results, you should continue to hold the belief that your desire is already yours and take inspired action towards it.

4. Gratitude is essential. Finally, Goddard believed that gratitude is an essential part of the manifestation process. By expressing gratitude for what you already have, you create a positive vibration that attracts more abundance into your life.


Neville Goddard was a spiritual teacher who believed in the power of the law of assumption to manifest our desires. Although his exact net worth is unknown, it’s clear that he achieved financial success through his prolific writing and speaking career. By following his teachings, we can learn valuable lessons about the power of our thoughts and beliefs, the importance of assuming the feeling of our wish fulfilled, the value of persistence, and the essential role of gratitude in attracting abundance

Neville Goddard Lectures: The Power of Imagination and Manifestation

Neville Goddard was a prominent spiritual teacher and author who lived in the 20th century. His teachings revolve around the power of imagination and manifestation, and he was a firm believer that everyone has the ability to create their own reality through the power of their thoughts.

Neville Goddard delivered numerous lectures on these topics, which have since become known as the Neville Goddard Lectures. In these lectures, he shared his insights on the nature of reality, the power of the subconscious mind, and the importance of using one’s imagination to create a better life.

One of the key teachings of Neville Goddard was the idea that our imagination is the key to manifesting our desires. He believed that our thoughts and beliefs create our reality, and that we can change our circumstances by changing our beliefs and imagining new possibilities.

In his lectures, Neville Goddard stressed the importance of visualizing our desires as already achieved. He believed that by doing this, we could tap into the power of the subconscious mind and attract the circumstances and experiences that we desire.

Neville Goddard also emphasized the importance of taking action towards our goals. He believed that the power of imagination was only the first step in creating our reality, and that we must also take concrete steps towards our desired outcomes.

Another important aspect of Neville Goddard’s teachings was the idea that we are all one with the universe, and that we can tap into the infinite power of the universe to create our desired outcomes. He believed that by aligning ourselves with the universe, we could manifest our desires with greater ease and efficiency.

Overall, Neville Goddard Lectures provide invaluable insights into the power of imagination and manifestation. They offer a practical and effective approach to creating the life we desire, by tapping into the power of our thoughts and beliefs. Whether you are looking to improve your health, relationships, or financial situation, the teachings of Neville Goddard can help you achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling life.

The Profound Teachings of Neville Goddard’s Power of Awareness

Neville Goddard’s “Power of Awareness” is a masterpiece that has transformed the lives of countless individuals seeking to enhance their understanding of the creative power of the mind. This work is an excellent guide to achieving success, happiness, and abundance by tapping into the infinite power of the mind.

In this books by neville goddard, Neville Goddard teaches us that the key to success is awareness – a conscious awareness of our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. He explains that everything in our life is a direct result of what we think and believe, and that by changing our thoughts and beliefs, we can change our lives. According to Neville, the power of awareness is the most powerful force in the universe, and we can use it to manifest our desires and create the life we truly desire.

One of the most profound teachings of “Power of Awareness” is the concept of living from the end. Neville Goddard believed that the key to manifesting our desires is to act as if they have already come to fruition. He taught that by imagining our desires already fulfilled, we create a mental picture of the end result, which in turn attracts the circumstances and events necessary to bring it to fruition.

Another essential teaching in this book is the idea that we are all connected to an infinite intelligence or higher power. Neville Goddard believed that we could tap into this power by using our imagination and visualizing our desires as already accomplished. He also emphasized the importance of feeling the emotions associated with the accomplishment of our desires, such as gratitude, joy, and happiness.

Furthermore, Neville Goddard taught that we must take full responsibility for our lives and our creations. He emphasized that we must be aware of our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings, and take action accordingly. He believed that by doing so, we could create our reality consciously, and manifest our desires with ease.

In conclusion, neville goddard the power of awareness is a powerful tool for anyone seeking to improve their life, achieve their goals, and manifest their desires. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the power of the mind and its ability to create the life we truly desire. By understanding and applying the teachings of this book, we can tap into the infinite power of the mind, and create the life we truly desire.

Exploring the Life-Changing Wisdom in Books by Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard was a spiritual teacher and writer whose teachings continue to inspire people around the world. His books offer powerful insights into the nature of reality, the power of imagination, and the importance of faith. Through his teachings, Goddard encourages readers to awaken to their own divine nature and to create a life filled with abundance, joy, and purpose.

One of Goddard’s most well-known books is “The Power of Awareness.” In this book, he argues that the key to creating a fulfilling life is to become aware of the power of our own consciousness. According to Goddard, our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality, and by changing our beliefs, we can change the circumstances of our lives.

Another important work by Goddard is “Feeling is the Secret.” In this book, he emphasizes the importance of cultivating positive emotions such as gratitude, joy, and love. By focusing on these emotions, Goddard argues, we can attract positive experiences into our lives and manifest our deepest desires.

Goddard’s teachings also highlight the role of faith in creating a life of abundance and joy. In his book “The Law and the Promise,” Goddard explains that faith is the key to manifesting our desires. He encourages readers to cultivate a deep sense of trust in the universe and to visualize their goals as already accomplished.

Overall, the books by Neville Goddard offer a powerful message of hope and transformation. They remind us that we are powerful creators, capable of manifesting our deepest desires and creating a life filled with joy, abundance, and purpose. By studying and applying the wisdom in these books, readers can embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth that will positively impact all areas of their lives.

Neville Goddard: The Power of Manifestation in Your Hands

Are you tired of feeling like you’re not in control of your life? Do you believe that you have the power to create your reality but struggle to manifest your desires? Look no further than Neville Goddard, a spiritual teacher whose teachings on manifestation have changed the lives of countless individuals.

In this article, we will explore the life and teachings of Neville Goddard, and how his approach to manifestation can help you harness the power of your thoughts and beliefs to create the life you desire.

Who is Neville Goddard?

Neville Goddard was a spiritual teacher and author who lived from 1905 to 1972. Born in Barbados, Goddard spent most of his life in the United States, where he became a prolific writer and lecturer on spirituality and manifestation.

Goddard’s teachings were heavily influenced by the teachings of New Thought, a spiritual movement that emphasizes the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction. He believed that every individual has the power to create their reality through their thoughts and beliefs, and that the universe responds to these thoughts and beliefs by manifesting them in the physical world.

The Power of Your Imagination

At the heart of Neville Goddard’s teachings is the power of imagination. Goddard believed that our imagination is the key to creating our reality, and that by visualizing our desires and embodying the feeling of having already achieved them, we can bring them into manifestation.

Goddard taught that the subconscious mind is responsible for creating our reality, and that the conscious mind plays a crucial role in programming the subconscious through our thoughts and beliefs. By focusing our thoughts and beliefs on our desires and visualizing them as already achieved, we can reprogram our subconscious to bring these desires into physical manifestation.

The Law of Assumption

One of Neville Goddard’s most famous teachings is the Law of Assumption. This law states that our assumptions, or our beliefs about ourselves and the world around us, determine our reality. Goddard believed that we must assume the feeling of our desires already being fulfilled in order to bring them into physical manifestation.

According to Goddard, the key to mastering the Law of Assumption is to cultivate a feeling of naturalness and ease around our desires. We must embody the feeling of already having achieved our desires, and allow the universe to bring them into physical manifestation in its own time and in its own way.

Living in the End

Another important concept in Neville Goddard’s teachings is the idea of living in the end. This means that we must focus on the end result of our desires, rather than the process of getting there. By visualizing and embodying the feeling of already having achieved our desires, we can bypass any limiting beliefs or doubts that may arise and bring our desires into physical manifestation more quickly and easily.

Living in the end also means detaching from the outcome of our desires and trusting that the universe will bring them to us in the best possible way. By letting go of any attachment to specific outcomes or timelines, we open ourselves up to infinite possibilities and allow the universe to work its magic in our lives.


Neville Goddard’s teachings on manifestation have helped countless individuals tap into the power of their thoughts and beliefs to create the life they desire. By understanding the power of our imagination, mastering the Law of Assumption, and living in the end, we can harness the power of manifestation and bring our desires into physical manifestation more quickly and easily.

Remember, you have the power to create your reality. By embodying the feeling of already having achieved your desires and trusting in the universe to bring them to you, you can live a life of abundance, joy, and fulfillment.

The Life-Changing Wisdom of Neville Goddard: A Comprehensive Guide to His Teachings in PDF Format

Neville Goddard was a spiritual teacher and author who left a profound impact on many people’s lives through his teachings on the power of the mind and imagination. His works have been widely circulated and studied for decades, and many have experienced life-changing transformations as a result of his wisdom. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the essence of Neville Goddard’s teachings and their practical applications in daily life, all in the convenient format of a downloadable Neville Goddard PDF.

Born in Barbados in 1905, Neville Goddard spent most of his life in the United States, where he became a prominent lecturer and writer on the subject of spirituality. He was known for his unique approach to the Law of Attraction and his emphasis on the power of the human imagination. According to Neville, the imagination is the key to manifesting our desires and creating the life we want. By cultivating a strong and vivid inner vision of what we want to experience, we can bring it into our reality.

One of Neville’s most famous teachings is the concept of “living in the end.” This means that we must cultivate the feeling of already having what we want, rather than simply wishing for it. By mentally living in the end result, we align ourselves with the frequency of our desire and attract it to us. Neville also emphasized the importance of faith and persistence in manifesting our desires. He believed that if we persist in our imagination and truly believe in our vision, it must come to pass.

Another key aspect of Neville’s teachings is the power of the subconscious mind. He taught that our subconscious mind is responsible for creating our reality and that we must learn to direct it in a positive way. This involves replacing negative thoughts and beliefs with positive ones, and affirming the reality we want to experience. By doing so, we can reprogram our subconscious mind to work for us rather than against us.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deeper into Neville Goddard’s teachings and explore their practical applications. We will cover topics such as the Law of Assumption, the power of the spoken word, and the role of gratitude in manifesting our desires. We will also provide tips and exercises for applying Neville’s teachings in your daily life and overcoming common obstacles to manifestation.

Whether you are new to Neville Goddard’s teachings or a seasoned practitioner, this guide is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to harness the power of their imagination and transform their life. With the convenience of a downloadable Neville Goddard PDF, you can easily access his teachings and begin applying them in your life today.

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