Are you tired of feeling like you’re not in control of your life? Do you believe that you have the power to create your reality but struggle to manifest your desires? Look no further than Neville Goddard, a spiritual teacher whose teachings on manifestation have changed the lives of countless individuals.

In this article, we will explore the life and teachings of Neville Goddard, and how his approach to manifestation can help you harness the power of your thoughts and beliefs to create the life you desire.

Who is Neville Goddard?

Neville Goddard was a spiritual teacher and author who lived from 1905 to 1972. Born in Barbados, Goddard spent most of his life in the United States, where he became a prolific writer and lecturer on spirituality and manifestation.

Goddard’s teachings were heavily influenced by the teachings of New Thought, a spiritual movement that emphasizes the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction. He believed that every individual has the power to create their reality through their thoughts and beliefs, and that the universe responds to these thoughts and beliefs by manifesting them in the physical world.

The Power of Your Imagination

At the heart of Neville Goddard’s teachings is the power of imagination. Goddard believed that our imagination is the key to creating our reality, and that by visualizing our desires and embodying the feeling of having already achieved them, we can bring them into manifestation.

Goddard taught that the subconscious mind is responsible for creating our reality, and that the conscious mind plays a crucial role in programming the subconscious through our thoughts and beliefs. By focusing our thoughts and beliefs on our desires and visualizing them as already achieved, we can reprogram our subconscious to bring these desires into physical manifestation.

The Law of Assumption

One of Neville Goddard’s most famous teachings is the Law of Assumption. This law states that our assumptions, or our beliefs about ourselves and the world around us, determine our reality. Goddard believed that we must assume the feeling of our desires already being fulfilled in order to bring them into physical manifestation.

According to Goddard, the key to mastering the Law of Assumption is to cultivate a feeling of naturalness and ease around our desires. We must embody the feeling of already having achieved our desires, and allow the universe to bring them into physical manifestation in its own time and in its own way.

Living in the End

Another important concept in Neville Goddard’s teachings is the idea of living in the end. This means that we must focus on the end result of our desires, rather than the process of getting there. By visualizing and embodying the feeling of already having achieved our desires, we can bypass any limiting beliefs or doubts that may arise and bring our desires into physical manifestation more quickly and easily.

Living in the end also means detaching from the outcome of our desires and trusting that the universe will bring them to us in the best possible way. By letting go of any attachment to specific outcomes or timelines, we open ourselves up to infinite possibilities and allow the universe to work its magic in our lives.


Neville Goddard’s teachings on manifestation have helped countless individuals tap into the power of their thoughts and beliefs to create the life they desire. By understanding the power of our imagination, mastering the Law of Assumption, and living in the end, we can harness the power of manifestation and bring our desires into physical manifestation more quickly and easily.

Remember, you have the power to create your reality. By embodying the feeling of already having achieved your desires and trusting in the universe to bring them to you, you can live a life of abundance, joy, and fulfillment.