Are you tired of living a life that is not aligned with your true desires? Are you ready to manifest the life of your dreams? If so, you may have heard of Neville Goddard, a spiritual teacher and author who has helped thousands of people achieve their goals through his teachings on manifestation. In this article, we will explore the power of Neville Goddard’s teachings and provide you with free downloads to get started on your journey to manifesting your desires.

Who was Neville Goddard?

Neville Goddard was a spiritual teacher and author who lived from 1905 to 1972. He was born in Barbados and moved to New York City in his late teens, where he became interested in the works of the American mystic, William Blake. Over the course of his life, Goddard became a well-known lecturer and author on the subject of manifestation.

Goddard believed that our thoughts create our reality, and that we have the power to shape our lives by changing our beliefs and assumptions. He taught that the key to manifesting our desires is to imagine ourselves in the state we desire, and to feel as if we have already achieved our goals.

Neville Goddard’s Teachings on Manifestation

Neville Goddard’s teachings on manifestation are based on the principle that our thoughts and beliefs create our reality. He taught that we can manifest our desires by imagining ourselves in the state we desire and feeling the emotions that come with that state. In other words, we need to live in the end result of our desire, rather than focusing on our current reality.

According to Goddard, the key to successful manifestation is to focus on our desires with faith and conviction, and to let go of any doubts or fears that may be holding us back. He also taught that it is important to be specific about our desires, and to imagine ourselves in the details of our desired state.

Neville Goddard Free Downloads

If you are interested in learning more about Neville Goddard’s teachings on manifestation, there are many resources available online. Here are some free downloads to get you started:

1. “The Power of Awareness” – This is one of Neville Goddard’s most famous books, and it provides a comprehensive overview of his teachings on manifestation. You can download a free PDF copy of the book from the Internet Archive.

2. “Feeling is the Secret” – This short book by Neville Goddard provides a concise summary of his teachings on manifestation. You can download a free PDF copy of the book from the Internet Archive.

3. “Your Faith is Your Fortune” – This book by Neville Goddard explores the role of faith in manifestation. You can download a free PDF copy of the book from the Internet Archive.

4. Neville Goddard Audio Lectures – There are many audio lectures by Neville Goddard available online. You can find a selection of free lectures on YouTube and other websites.


Neville Goddard’s teachings on manifestation have helped thousands of people around the world to achieve their goals and live the life of their dreams. By imagining ourselves in the state we desire and feeling the emotions that come with that state, we can manifest our desires and create the life we want. With the free downloads provided in this article, you can get started on your journey to manifesting your desires and living your best life.